Scoping Assessment and Market Research


Scoping Assessment and Market Research

Working in complex political and social environments, it is essential to understand the cultural and political context of the region in which projects are to be implemented. SOC conducts pre-assessment evaluations on behalf of donors regarding the security situation, social environment, economic conditions, security, and any related matters that may affect the project implementation.

We also support donors through identifying potential partners from a wide network of local NGOs and civil society organizations with related mandates. Moreover, SOC provides analysis of all projects’ geographic sites, and social profiling of beneficiaries.

Scoping assessment proposes a systematic analysis of the current situation in the targeted locations and the level of services and market needs to identify the most effective interventions available. Therefore, it gains a major importance for project officers, donors, government officials and all stakeholders involved in designing interventions.

Assessments aim to note community perspectives, problems, expectations in terms of the nature of help, and degree of satisfaction with the situation. The evaluation considers the bottlenecks in accessing the information regarding the services provided by the public sector and NGOs, as well as existing community-based initiatives.

SOC adopts a self-developed approach based on flexible quantitative and qualitative methodologies to collect a variety of data from a wide range of sources rather than a rigid adherence to traditional methodological design. This balanced and well-rounded approach allows triangulation and drawing meaningful conclusions concerning the project implementation and results achieved. Assessments are designed and implemented with extreme care and taking into consideration all factors including gender dimensions.

The Assessment will focus on gathering data and information from the community level by engaging in one-on-one interviews and focus-group discussions. The aim of the assessment is to understand the barriers to demand services, identify social and cultural norms, and use this information to inform the implementation of the program. By taking this approach, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the community and be better equipped to tailor the programs, for us and our clients, to its specific needs.